Think You’re Ready to Retire? The Social Security Change That Might Hold You Back

The buzz around the rise in the Social Security retirement age is hard to ignore. Let’s clear the air on what this shift means and how it might reshape your retirement planning. We’re going to lay out the facts, sift through the impacts, and suggest some practical steps to keep you on track for a comfortable retirement.

What’s Changing with Social Security?

For those born in 1960 or later, the age to qualify for full Social Security benefits has bumped up to 67. This move is designed to ensure the program remains viable as people generally live longer and the pool of beneficiaries grows.

How Will This Affect Your Social Security Benefits?

Here’s the deal: waiting longer to collect Social Security means when you do start, your benefits will be calculated based on the new age. If you jump the gun and retire early, say at 62, expect your monthly checks to be smaller. If you delay beyond the new full age, say till 70, each check will be heftier.

Rethinking Your Retirement Plan:

  • Stretching Your Work Life: It might make sense to keep working a bit longer to boost your eventual benefits.
  • Up Your Savings Game: Now’s a good time to boost your retirement contributions or explore other ways to save more. The more you stash now, the less you’ll worry later.
  • Plan for Health Costs: If you’re looking to retire before you can tap into Medicare, consider how you’ll cover health costs in the meantime. Options might include private insurance or a health savings account

Your Next Steps:

Let’s get into some specifics to help you fine-tune your retirement strategy:

  • Ideal Timing for Social Security:
    • Early, On-Time, or Late? Whip out a calculator and figure out the difference in your Social Security checks if you start collecting at 62, 67, or even 70. This will help you decide if the extra waiting is financially worth it, or if retiring earlier aligns better with your life plans.
    • Break-Even Analysis: Use a simple chart to determine at which age the total benefits received balance out, whether you start early or late. This can help you make a solid call based on your health and how long you expect to live.
  • Additional Income Sources:
    • Rental Income: Got extra property? Renting it out could be a steady stream of income for your retirement days.
    • Part-Time Work: Keep active with some part-time work or consulting in your field to supplement your income without locking into a full-time gig.
    • Investments: Take a good look at your investments for opportunities like dividend stocks or bonds that provide ongoing income. Make sure your portfolio is tuned to support your retirement cash flow.
  • Tax Planning:
    • Roth Conversions: Chat with a financial advisor about converting your traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. This might bump up your taxable income now, but it paves the way for tax-free withdrawals later.
    • Withdrawal Strategies: Plan which accounts to draw from first (401(k), IRA, brokerage) to keep taxes low and make your savings last longer.
    • Deductions and Credits: Make sure you’re snagging all the tax breaks you’re due, like those for medical expenses or for supporting dependents, if they apply.

The new Social Security age isn’t just a number change; it’s a prompt to get your retirement plan in tip-top shape. While it might seem like a bit of a headache now, taking the time to adjust your plan means you’ll be set up for a smoother ride later.

Let’s Chat About Your Retirement:

Feeling unsure about how to adjust your plan? Let’s talk. Whether you want to set up a one-on-one to discuss your specific situation or attend a workshop to learn more about retirement strategies, we’re here to help you make sense of it all. Reach out today and let’s make sure your retirement is everything you’ve hoped for.

Ready to Take The Next Step?

For more information about any of the products and services listed here, schedule a meeting today or register to attend a seminar.

Or give us a call at 719.597.2179